Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New Year, Ya Filthy Animal!

The past month and a half has flown by, as did most of 2010. But just before Chritmas I recieved this memo from Soundcloud:

"Hi Insidewantsout,

We have been notified that the upload "Tosca - Suzuki":

might be infringing the original rightsholder's copyright and could potentially be breaching the SoundCloud terms of service. Your upload is currently blocked.

If this block was triggered by mistake and you have the explicit permission from the rightsholder to use, upload and distribute this content, please submit a detailed explanation by clicking the following link: (removed link for my own sake)


The SoundCloud team"

As a result, I've been inspired to post more music, despite being served. So, as all the 'Year in Review' material continues to come out, it's only warrented that I create my own best of 2010 list. So here it is, my 10 favorite songs from 2010. (Mind you, these are biased favorites, not publicly unanimous top songs or indie topers... Furthermore their aren't necessarily in order, and there were alot of other songs I wanted to throw in). Enjoy

10. Blitzen Trapper - The Man Who Would Speak True
Beatiful. I could argure Blitzen Trapper's story telling is reminiscent of Bob Dylan (dare I say that?). Their album 'Destroyer of the Void' dropped on June 8th, and didn't disapoint. Check it out if you like the feel.

Blitzen Trapper - The Man Who Would Speak True by mateodesign

9. Foster the People - Pumped Up Kicks
I'm pretty sure this dropped in 2k10. The serene smooth beats and hypnotic whistle sell it. Been listening to this song for the past 7 months and I still don't know what it's about, but it's sexy.

Foster the People - Pumped Up Kicks by music-space

8. The Black Keys - Tighten Up
First heard this song on FIFA 11, haha, but it's decidedly a favorite of the year. New age Bluesy, Jazzy, love song. Thats kind of the best way I can describe it.

The Black Keys - Tighten Up by MusicForBears

7. Caribou - Odessa
Anyone who knows this song loves it. Well, at least I think they do. Interestingly, it's also on the FIFA 11 soundtrack, but that's not why we love it. The song attacks you and then lulls you in with it's melodic lyrics. check it.

Caribou - Odessa by musicmule

6. Crystal Castles - Empathy
Not everyone can relate to Crystal Castles, as their experimental tracks can be a lot to absorb at once (Z). But theres no doubt Castles have a bunch of really tasty songs. Here's one of them:

Crystal Castles - Empathy by drinknfuck

5. Big Gigantic - Step Up
And get down. SO much fun to see, just a sax, a drummer, and a set of mixed beats. Hard to chose a favorite song from the album "A Place Behind the Moon," but it's either this or Driftin. Here's a link to listen and DL to the whole album, I'm pretty sure they give it away on their website also, so check it.

Step Up.mp3 by user1214174

4. Cee Lo Green - Fuck You
Maybe a bit of a cop-out, but I love this song. There have been a shit ton of remixes made for it, but the original is still the best.

Cee-Lo Green - Fuck You by pordain

3. LCD Soundsystem - Dance Yrself Clean
Can't get enough of this song, it's variation of tone and it's digable drops hook me. Besides, LCD Soundsystem is the shit! Their on their own lable (Jame's Murphy's DFA), so that's pretty f'in cool. They were also maybe my favorite show of the year, so explore them.

LCD Soundsystem - Dance Yrself Clean by Ernesto Coss

2. Bassnectar - The 808 Track
How could this be a Insidewantsout top ten list without some filth? Had a hard time between this and "Wildstyle Method," but in the end I had to go with what pops. Warning: not for the feignt of heart, this song has been known to cause ear damage... at least I bet it has.

The 808 Track (ft. Mighty High Coup) by chickpea

1. Teen Daze - Wet Hair (Japandroids original)
This was an almost impossible decision. Well, really it was almost random. There's too much I could have put at number 1, so I just went with basically a coin toss. That being said, even though it's a remix, it's my favorite of 2010. Fits all my moods, and is counterintuitively tasty.

Teen Daze - Wet Hair by Deuce B

Holiday Bonus: Christmas Dub
I'll give one more track as a Holiday bonus. I really wanted to post this before Christmas, but it's a little to late for that. The track makes me think of 2 Santa's fighting for Christmas supremecy, Good vs. Evil... with lazer shooting reigndeer. Tell me it doesn't. It's kind of erie, but that's part of it's flavor:

Christmas dub by Nothing But Tracks

Whelp that it. Happy New Year... Ya filthy Animal