Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Back in the Rhythm

Here's a few songs I've been Jamming to lately. As summer approaches us all, I'm trying to get back in the swing of posting frequently. So here it is.

You may have heard this tune on a Heineken commercial lately. It's a sweet little tune that gets you going. The Asteroids Galaxy Tour - Golden Age

The Asteroids Galaxy Tour-The Golden Age by Dj Zooliem

I was getting down to this song last night with a couple of buddies. It's another little groove that's infectious, albeit simple. Stairway to Hip-Hop remixed by Gramatik

Stairway To Hip-Hop Heaven by Weeennnzzz

Finally some dubstep. The Temper Trap's sexy 'love lost' song is remixed by adventure club to help you get down.

Temper Trap - Love Lost (Adventure Club Dubstep Remix) by Adventure Club Dubstep

Friday, April 1, 2011

First Mix

So I made this mix the other day. Was just messing around with my free time, and I think it came out pretty damn decent. There's a lot of changes, and a lot of artists. Dig it.

Raver's Swagger by Insidewantsout